
We very much enjoy working with couples and celebrate the courage it takes to look at yourselves and your relationship! Having been in a committed partnership for 20 years, we bring in our full experience of what it means to be in relationship and share with you what we’ve learned personally and way.

Both of us are using an integrated approach based on Gestalt Therapy and Internal Family Systems, with a focus on attachment, emotions, and mindfulness.

In addition to our individual work, we also love working with couples together! While it is more costly, co-therapy offers numerous benefits.

Two therapists bring more energy, resources and balance into the room, reducing the likelihood of one partner feeling left out or blamed. Additionally, two perspectives provide more insight and unique styles. The relationship between the therapists also models a secure relationship and demonstrates authentic communication.

One of us can facilitate while the other observes, supports, or participates in experiments (for example, representing a part or taking on a part’s voice). Based on our own experience, we trust that when we are truly in contact – having each other’s best interest at heart - a bigger understanding, true intimacy, and next steps are emerging.

We also have the option to work with partners individually between joint sessions which compliments the couples work.

Communication is to relationships what breath is to life.
— Virginia Satir

Couples Workshops

Couples often come to therapy wanting to address “communication.” The root of the word "communication" is "communion," a sacred process of opening up to one another and sharing intimate thoughts and feelings. But how do we do this, especially in moments of upset and activation with the other person?

We have developed a workshop to help people cultivate the ingredients of communication, such as attunement, presence, and contact. The workshop provides information on the nervous system, focusing on grounding and regulating skills. It also explores different attachment styles and how to work with them in a simple yet profound way. Special attention is given to practicing relational skills and developing rituals of connection and repair.

The workshop is experiential, allowing participants to integrate and embody the information and practices. Doing this work in a group setting offers more support, inspiration, and transformation. While we typically work with people in romantic relationships, we also support siblings, business partners, and friends who want to deepen their relationships with each other.